Sunday, September 29, 2013

Black Powder Era Fort King George: For your next building project

Black Powder Era Fort King George
 Old Fort King George, an 18th century frontier fortification on the Altamaha River, was reconstructed from old records and drawings. It is the perfect project for any Black Powder enthusiast.

Black Powder Era Fort King George
Fort King George is the oldest English fort remaining on Georgia's coast. From 1721 until 1736, it was the southern outpost of the British Empire in North America. A cypress blockhouse, barracks and palisaded earthen fort were constructed in 1721 by scoutmen led by Colonel John “Tuscarora Jack” Barnwell.

Black Powder Era Fort King George
The fort was the first of the British 18th century posts built to counteract French expansion in America and was also a flagrant trespass upon Spanish territory. During its occupation, Spain continually demanded that it be destroyed.

Black Powder Era Fort King George
The blockhouse was 26 feet square with three floors and a lookout in the gable from which the guard could watch the inland waterway and St Simons Island.

Black Powder Era Fort King George
For the next seven years, His Majesty’s Independent Company garrisoned the fort. They endured incredible hardships from disease, threats of Spanish and Indian attacks, and the harsh, unfamiliar coastal environment.

Black Powder Era Fort King George
During the occupation, more than 140 soldiers and officers lost their lives here. After the troops were withdrawn to Port Royal in 1727, South Carolina kept two lookouts at Fort King George until General James Oglethorpe arrived in 1733.

Black Powder Era Fort King George Building Interior
Oglethorpe brought Scottish Highlanders to the site in 1736. The settlement, called Darien, eventually became a foremost export center of lumber until 1925.

Black Powder Era Fort King George
The reconstructed fort and structures include a blockhouse, officers' quarters, barracks, guardhouse, moat and palisades.

Map of Black Powder Era Fort King George
If you'd care to build the entire grounds here is a layout to use.

Diagram of Black Powder Era Fort King George
The museum at Fort King George gives a basic diagram for the blockhouse, rampart, palisade and moat elevations.

Scottish Highlanders Dwelling at Fort King George
This is a reproduction of the Scottish Highlanders huts used at that time and the foundation for the settlement of Darien.

They were a basic mud and wattle constructed building as shown here.
Black Powder Era Fort King George
We'll leave off with several additional photos. If you give this a shot, let us know how it goes!

Black Powder Era Fort King George Building Interior
Have a Great Battle,
The Old Crow

Black Powder Era Fort King George

Black Powder Era Fort King George

Black Powder Era Fort King George

Black Powder Era Fort King George

Black Powder Era Fort King George Blacksmith

Black Powder Era Fort King George

Black Powder Era Fort King George Building Interior

Black Powder Era Fort King George Building Interior

Black Powder Era Fort King George

Black Powder Era Fort King George

Black Powder Era Fort King George

Black Powder Era Fort King George

Scottish Highlanders Dwelling at Fort King George
Scottish Highlanders Dwelling at Fort King George

Scottish Highlanders Dwelling at Fort King George

Scottish Highlanders Dwelling at Fort King George

Scottish Highlanders Dwelling at Fort King George


  1. Its very funny the title of this article. Hugh Langford and myself build a lot of the fort and site. Too many years. Hugh put in 10 years and l 17 years Everything is works from overn to cannons. In the fall of 2021 the Fort will have 300th Anniversary event. It will be a juried event for 1721.
